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Alexander Herbert is a research fellow at Brandeis University focusing on the history of the late Soviet Union. He is a devoted father, veteran vegan, self-ascribed environmentalist, occasional musician, opportunistic freelance writer and translator, and fan of beet and pickle pizza. Aside from academic research, Alexander has been a punk rock and hardcore enthusiast since the point of contact and has contributed to such iconic fanzines as Maximum Rocknroll and Razorcake. He thoroughly enjoys connecting strangers and has proudly established lines of communication between musicians, writers, and artists in Russia and the United States since 2014. You can read more of Alexander’s editorial work and firsthand stories of punk in Russia in Punks Around, a fanzine he edits that prints tales of contributors’ experiences in punk scenes around the world.

Punks Around #10: Zine About Zines
by Alexander Herbert Editor, Matthew Thompson Contributor and Aaron Cometbus Contributor
A love letter to the zines that have formatively inspired editor Alex over the years. Includes a long conversation with…
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Punks Around #7: The Girl's Room
by Alexander Herbert Series Editor and Liz Hafey Editor
Stories about being a woman in punk, with essays and interviews by a bunch of contributors from Rhode Island to…
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Punks Around #11: POC Punks
by Alexander Herbert Series Editor and Michelle Cruz Gonzales Contributor
Dedicated to the voices and experiences of BIPOC punk rockers, this issue of Punks Around contains a powerful forward by…
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Punks Around #8: VEGAN PUNX - Eggplant Eater's Edition
by Alexander Herbert Author
"There's nothing more punk than veganism!" So begins Punks Around editor Al's intro to this cool and compelling zine…
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Punks Around #9: Drugs - Use, Recovery, Outreach
by Alexander Herbert Series Editor and Wretched Ryry Editor
Drugs are a thing in punk, can't deny it. But the punk community has also produced resilient responses that are…
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What About Tomorrow?: An Oral History of Russian Punk from the Soviet Era to Pussy Riot
by Alexander Herbert Author
Punk arrived in Soviet Russia in 1978, spreading slowly at first through black market vinyl records and soon exploding…
$19.95 1 comment
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Punks Around #6: Armageddon Rhode Island and Boston's Favorite Punk and Metal Record Shop
by Alexander Herbert Author
Punks Around is back with their sixth issue - Armageddon Rhode Island & Boston's Favorite Punk and Metal Record Shop.…
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Punk in A Foreign Space: Tales from Writing the History of Russian Punk Rock
by Alexander Herbert Author
A zine about the creation of What About Tomorrow. An adventure story as well as a fascinating document of what it took…
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Punks Around #5: Woscom
by Alexander Herbert Author
Featuring Alex living and volunteering in Moscow, this zine tells the story of punks in Russia. With @still.hear's art…
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Punks Around #4: The Minot, North Dakota Punk Scene 2001-2018
by Joe Biel Author and Alexander Herbert Series Editor
Minot may only be the fourth largest city in North Dakota, but it's a key player in the punk ecosphere. Home to the…
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Punks Around #3: The Minot, North Dakota Punk Scene 1989-2000
by Joe Biel Author and Alexander Herbert Series Editor
In 1999 our show in MInot, North Dakota was canceled but the locals said that we could still come hang out. I gave them…
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Punks Around #2: Mutant Maniac
by Justin Maurer Author and Alexander Herbert Series Editor
You a punk? Want to read some anecdotes about other punks from around the world? Well, here you go. Mutant Maniac is the…
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Punks Around #1: Nizhny Life
by Alexander Herbert Author
Each issue of “Punks Around” features a story written by a contributor drawing from their experience in another…
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Record Store Starter Pack
by Joe Biel Author, Daniel Makagon Author, Tom Neely Author, Ben Snakepit Author, Bob Suren Author, 4 more
This pack, specifically designed for record stores, includes: 1 Beatles Blackouts1 Punk USAThe History of Miami Hip…
$150.00 $150.00