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Aleister Crowley Collection (Mystic Archives)
by Aleister Crowley Author
This anthology compiles key works of a prominent 20th-century occultist known for blending mysticism, ceremonial magic,…
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The Aleister Crowley Tarot Book & Card Deck
by Aleister Crowley Author and Tania Ahsan Author
A beautifully-rendered, ethereal, rainbow-hued tarot deck that follows occultist Aleister Crowley's vision for the…
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Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot
by Aleister Crowley Author and Lon Milo DuQuette Author
Originally published in 2003, Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot has proved to be the essential guide to…
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Practice of Enochian Magick
by Aleister Crowley Author
Based on the ceremonial magic of John Dee and Edward Kelly, 16th century magick casters who claimed that their…
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Thoth Tarot Book and Cards Set: Aleister Crowley's Legendary Deck
by Evelin Burger Author, Aleister Crowley Author, Johannes Fiebig Author and Lady Frieda Harris Author
A new kit featuring one of the world's bestselling and most popular tarot decks! The Thoth Tarot was the result of five…
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Aleister Crowley: The Nature of the Beast
by Aleister Crowley Author and Colin Wilson Author
Aleister Crowley was a busy guy, what with his polemics, poetry, pornography, magic, mountaineering, and being a famous…
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The Weiser Book of Horror and the Occult: Hidden Magic, Occult Truths, and the Stories That Started It All
by Lon Milo DuQuette Editor, H.P. Lovecraft Contributor and Aleister Crowley Contributor
In this collection of spine-tinglingly scary short stories, you'll get a chilling look at some of the most famous pieces…
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Gems from the Equinox: Instructions by Aleister Crowley for His Own Magical Order
by Aleister Crowley Author and Israel Regardie Author
In the original ten volumes of the Equinox, Alesiter Crowley succeeded in synthesizing the aim of religion and the…
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