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Water Blessings: Affirmation Cards
by Akal Pritam Author
Learn to go with the flow and breathe in and out with the tides with this affirmation deck themed around sacred waters.…
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Unfurling Goddess Inspiration Cards: Embody the Divine Self Within
by Akal Pritam Author
This deck features 44 cards, with gilded golden edges, for exploring and questioning life’s trajectory. With a call…
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Self Love: Finding Peace and Happiness
by Akal Pritam Author
A visually layered meditation on the complexity of the divine feminine, through the lens of self-love. Each page…
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Self-Love Oracle: Find Peace and Happiness Through the Chakras (Rockpool Oracle Card Series)
by Akal Pritam Author
This oracle deck is marketed towards women looking to explore their aura, chakras, and might be looking to integrate…
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Let Go (Mini Inspiration Cards)
by Akal Pritam Author
This is a mini deck that is portable for people who might like a daily practice to keep them engaged in their creative…
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Inspired by Frida Journal
by Akal Pritam Illustrator
This colorful journal draws from the wisdom and artwork of Frida Kahlo and is divided into eight sections that…
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Self-Love Journal: A journey to inner peace and happiness
by Akal Pritam Author
The Self-Love Journal draws from the wisdom and artwork of her bestselling dharma art book Self-Love and is both a…
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