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One Question a Day for Finding Calm: A Three-Year Journal, A Daily Journal to Reduce Anxiety and Claim Your Joy
by Aimee Chase Author
Anxiety can be overwhelming. This guided journal offers one prompt or question a day, every day for three years, to…
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Present Not Perfect for You and Me: A Journal for Getting Closer, Connecting with Each Other, and Loving Your Relationship
by Aimee Chase Author
Every day that a couple spends together brings a chance to release unrealistic expectations. Aimee Chase's Present, Not…
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Spark: A Journal to Unleash the Creativity within You
by Aimee Chase Author
With inspiring quotes and colorful pages, this journal is designed to get your creativity flowing. Author Aimee Chase…
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One Question a Day for You & Me: Daily Reflections for Couples: A Three-Year Journal
by Aimee Chase Author
This guided journal is designed to help couples record their thoughts and impressions over time, to document the ups and…
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Present Not Perfect: A Journal for Slowing Down, Letting Go, and Loving Who You Are
by Aimee Chase Author
In this artfully illustrated journal for women, author Aimee Chase helps you slow down and enjoy yourself. The modern…
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Present Not Perfect for Difficult Times: A Journal for Hope, Healing, and Comfort
by Aimee Chase Author
This journal will help you find a way to take a breath, slow down, and focus on what really matters. Specifically…
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