How to be More Creative, More Often, Even if you Have a Job, Responsibilities, and Need More than Three Hours of Sleep Each Night
by Breanne Boland Author
"When people ask me what I do, I can say I'm a writer and an artist without feeling like a fraud—even though that's not how I make my living (yet)." This how-to zine is the result of three or four miserable months of Breanne's life. She did emerge relatively successful with these tips for reconciling a job with her wild and creative spirit. It wasn't easy so it's all been committed to paper! She simplifies important topics into digestible formats, like meditation, avoiding energy vampires, giving up "perfection," carrying around your vital tools of creation, how to cut the excess stuff and thoughts from your life, stop beating yourself up, a creative place, time management, and so much more. And one day we can all reach such self-praise as "I am pleased at the mere flawed existence of this."
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