Awesome Future: Stories of Victorious Action
by Robert Wildwood Author
Welcome friend; rest your feet. Things are going to be okay. Well, things are kind of effed; we’re up against a wall most days. As such, Robert Sutter’s comics include a look at a day in the life of Maxx the dog, a run-in with a bear, a vasectomy, loving a sinus-clearing neti pot, and keeping open dialog about sexual desire. The mantra here is “Punks Win,” so sing loud in the midst of fear and make the best of darkness. It will have you reaping rewards.
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Comments & Reviews
The last thing this fella released was some pretty weird stories/comics and this is no different. You get some fairly entertaining tales of his family moving to Alaska via school bus when he was a kid, to the story of a dog's day as seen through the eyes of the dog, to a spiritual Buddhist retreat to relieve stress. On the more bizarre end of things we get a brief how-to on taking a proper shit (squat, don't sit). Honestly, the strangest part of this zine is the artwork. It's like pre-adolescent kids drawings mixed with sociopathic prison dweller. I'm not sure what to make of it all.
If you have the mental fortitude to think that “fighting the good fight” is its own reward, then Awesome Future will be right up your alley. Robnoxious’ latest book is largely about unabashed existence in the world. It’s about enjoying life’s journey. In terms of packaging, there’s a lot of content here for a reasonable price, a digest-sized book wrapped in a beautiful full color cover. There are many different shorts and a couple of longer pieces housed in this project, but the pervading craft is consistent. There are emotive expressions, plenty of caricature, and Robnoxious lights up most of the panels with motion lines and lively touches like inanimate objects, such as houses, taking on life.