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Celebrity Ghosts and Notorious Hauntings (The Real Unexplained! Collection)
by Marie D. Jones Author
From notorious places to limelight faces of the past, this book documents hauntings that involve celebrity life — from…
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The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-paganism
by Raymond Buckland Author
From the late, great Raymond Buckland, considered one of the world’s foremost experts on the occult and Wicca…
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Earth Magic: Your Complete Guide to Natural Spells, Potions, Plants, Herbs, Witchcraft, and More
by Marie D. Jones Author
Nature’s magic is everywhere. It’s in backyards, in the woods, ponds, and even kitchens. You just need to know how…
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The New Witch
by Marie D. Jones Author
Utilizing the power of natural magic, The New Witch strives to bridge ancient pagan practices and today’s digital…
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Secret History: Conspiracies from Ancient Aliens to the New World Order
by Nick Redfern Author
We all know that history is written by the winners—and the powerful—but how much of it is actually fiction? And who…
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Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier: Second Edition
by Brad Steiger Author and Sherry Steiger Author
Startling allegations and suppressed evidence. Missing witnesses and assassinations. Cover-ups and threats. Allusions to…
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