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Everything Is a Game: 63 Quick & Easy Games You Can Play With Household Objects
by Viviane Schwarz Author and Kevan Davis Author
This compendium offers a collection of creative games that can be played with everyday objects, like a wooden spoon,…
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Prince: Purple Reign
by Mick Wall Author
Even people who are anti-Royalty are often pro-Prince. That's because he was a total legend, shaping music and culture…
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Like A Bat Out Of Hell: The Larger than Life Story of Meat Loaf t
If you, like Meatloaf, would do anything for love but you won't do that, then Like A Bat Out Of Hell is the book for…
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50 Years of Led Zeppelin: When Giants Walked the Earth (Fully Revised and Updated)
by Mick Wall Author
This updated and revised biography traces the band dubbed 'the last great bands from the 1960's, and the first great…
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How to (Almost) Make Friends on the Internet
by Michael Cunningham Author
Based on the Sir Michael Twitter account, this book documents the adventures and attempts of one man to make friends…
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Fuck Flying: 101 Eco-Friendly Ways to Travel
by The F Team Author
As we come out of lockdown, many of us are thinking about getting out of the house and going on vacation, but it's never…
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The Wild Book: Outdoor Activities to Unleash Your Inner Child
by David Scarfe Author
Teens and older kids still need to take a break from screen time and unleash their inner child outside! Help them fly…
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How to Break Up With Your Phone: The 10 Day Plan to Take Back your Life
by Catherine Price Author
Are you addicted to your phone? This book is here to help conquer your smartphone addiction and take back your life.…
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The Little Book of Girl Power: The Wit and Wisdom of the Spice Girls
In the 90s, the Spice Girls were a force to be reckoned with. Arguably, the most popular music group of the decade, they…
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