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The Curious Kid's Science Book: 100+ Creative Hands-On Activities for Ages 4-8
by Asia Citro MEd Author
I'm very upset that my parents got me barbies instead of this book growing up. Granted I really liked those dolls but…
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Mossby's Magic Carpet Handbook: A Flyer's Guide to Mossby's Model D3 Extra-Small Magic Carpet (Especially for Young or Vertically Challenged People)
by Ilona Bray Author and Alejandro Lee Author
Mossby's Magic Carpet Handbook wants to show you the world and all it's shining, shimmering splendor. Learn how to fly…
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The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin
The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin is a biography of Temple, one of the most powerful…
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How to Survive as a Firefly
by Kristn Foote Author and Erica Salcedo Author
A unique take on educating kids about insect science. Join a new round of larvae recruits at camp where a firefly drill…
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