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Head of a Skeleton With a Burning Cigarette
by teNeues Author
This journal has the cover of the early work of art of Vincent van Gogh Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette (Kop…
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Lost Wheels: The Nostalgic Beauty of Abandoned Cars
by Dieter Klein Author
Lost Wheels: The Nostalgic Beauty of Abandoned Cars is the first book about nostalgic cars with so many photographs,…
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Pets Rock: More Fun Than Fame
by Takkoda Author
Get ready to witness your fuzzy friends like you've never seen them before! Pets Rock brings your wildest fantasies to…
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Pussy Riot Unmasked
by Bert Verwelius Author
After their daring actions caught the attention of international media, the members of Pussy Riot became infamous…
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Cult of Boys.
by Toyin Ibidapo (photographer) Author and Tim Walker (foreword) Author
This titillating scrapbook is a tribute to youthful and androgynous boys. Toyin Ibidapo photographs subjects she knows…
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