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Jane Against the World: Roe v. Wade and the Fight for Reproductive Rights
by Karen Blumenthal Author
This YA book of the history of reproductive rights in the US, explores the activism and efforts, trials and tribulations…
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Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution
by Bernie Sanders Author
Adapted from Bernie Sanders' Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In, this book is aimed at getting young folks fired up…
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Katya's Book of Mushrooms: Fungi, Fauna, Facts & Folklore
by Katya Arnold Author and Sam Swope Illustrator
Written by a mushroom lover, this is an introduction into the world of mushroom for aspiring fungus fans and the…
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by Jennifer Mathieu Author
Viv, a teenage daughter of a Riot Grrrl mom, doesn't seem to fit in with the bullies, creeps and conformity of the…
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Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice
by Phillip Hoose Author
Meet the Rosa Parks before Rosa Parks, with extensive interviews and historical documentations of a high school student…
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