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Elvis is King
by Jonah Winter Author and Red Nose Studio Illustrator
Here’s the perfect book for introducing rock ’n’ roll and its king to children ages 4 to 8. Single-page…
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Becoming Me: A Work in Progress: Color, Journal & Brainstorm Your Way to a Creative Life
by Andrea Pippins Illustrator
This book is a illustrated interactive journal. It’s a guide for self-discovery, self-care, and creative expression.…
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Cat Dog Dog: The Story of a Blended Family
by Nelly Buchet Author and Andrea Zuill Illustrator
This hilarious and adorable story, from the pets’ perspective, follows a family and their pets using just a few words.…
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The Little Library
by Margaret McNamara Author and G. Brian Karas Illustrator
Everyone in Mr. Tiffin’s class couldn’t be more excited that the new school library has finally opened. Everyone…
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by Jonah Winter Author and Bryan Collier Author
Thurgood Marshall was the first Black justice on the Supreme Court and an important figure in the civil rights movement,…
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Look! I Wrote a Book! (And You Can Too!)
by Sally Lloyd-Jones Author and Neal Layton Illustrator
If you're going to write about dinosaurs, don't call a brontosaurus by the wrong name! In this funny step-by-step…
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What Is a Refugee?
by Elise Gravel Author
This book for kids ages 4-8 introduces the term "refugee" in accessible and clear language to help start a conversation…
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