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Year of Practiculture: Recipes for Living, Growing, Hunting & Cooking
by Rohan Anderson Author
Rohan Anderson left his desk job in the city for the richer and simpler pleasures of living a life on the land, and now,…
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ENERGY: Cocktails to Get You Up
by Steph Russ Author and Pete Deevakul Photographer
Bam! Pow! The cocktails in this book are designed to keep you partying and keep your focus. Ingredients range from B-12…
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by Jacob Ehrbahn Photographer and Per Folkver Foreword
This volume is a collection of photographs depicting the chaotic beauty of heavy metal. Readers will find numerous…
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Hip Hop Honeys
by Brian Finke Author
Call them what you will. Fly girls. Background dancers. Video vixens. Hip Hop Honeys. They've been part of the scene for…
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Brooklyn Spirits: Craft Distilling and Cocktails from the World's Hippest Borough
by Peter Thomas Fornatale Author and Chris Wertz Author
When you think farm-to-table books, you probably think of food. But in Brooklyn Spirits you will see how the food and…
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by Peter Madsen Author
In Dealers, Peter Madsen takes his skills as a street reporter around New York City to interview a particular…
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Brown Bohemians: Honoring the Light and Magic of Our Creative Community
by Vanessa Coore Vernon Author, Morgan Ashley Author and Wendy Pruitt Author
An artful effort to honor the power and beauty of creative people of color, this new hardcover volume brings together…
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Clara Cakes: Delicious and Simple Vegan Desserts for Everyone!
by Clara Polito Author
Clara Cakes, the brainchild of Los Angeles-based teen baker Clara Polito, is packed to the brim with easy and delicious…
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Metal Cats Coloring Book
by Alexandra Crockett Author and Chuck Gonzales Author
Skulls and Siamese. Corpse paint and Persians. Baphomet, pentagrams, blood, and tabbies! Color outside the lines with…
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Guac Is Extra But So Am I: The Reluctant Adult's Handbook
by Sarah Solomon Author
A handy guide to all the weird parts of adulthood, including the "Feigning Adulthood: The Bare Minumum Cheat Sheet" and…
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Advanced Style: The Coloring Book
by Ari Seth Cohen Author and Ilan Schraer Author
Even if you're not familiar with the street-style fashion photography book of fabulously dressed elders, you can still…
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