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Astrology's Magical Nodes of the Moon
by Carmen Turner-Schott Author and Bernie Ashman Author
This book is intended for more experienced, specialized interest practitioners of astrology. IT will explain the magic…
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Life Before the Internet: What We Can Learn About The Good Old Days
by Michael Gentle Author
It's easy to love how interconnected we are now thanks to technology. Up to the minute news at our fingertips, constant…
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Laid Bare: What The Business Leader Learnt From the Stripper
by Paulina Tenner Author
In this fascinating read for bosses and aspiring businesspeople everywhere, author Paulina Tenner shares insights…
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Empathy for the Devil: Make Your Demons Work For You. Without Selling Your Soul.
by Jerry Hyde Author
In this new book, author Jerry Hyde dives into the things that make us tick - sometimes in bad ways - in order to teach…
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Practically Pagan: An Alternative Guide to Gardening
by Elen Sentier Author
Based on 40 years of experience as a practicing witch and gardener, Elen Sentier draws on her upbringing amongst witches…
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Crystal Prescriptions Volume 6: Crystals for Ancestral Clearing, Soul Retrieval, Spirit Release and Karmic Healing. An A-Z Guide.
by Judy Hall Author
This practical sixth book in the Crystal Prescriptions series covers crystals for karmic clearing, soul integration, and…
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Crystal Prescriptions Volume 2: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,250 Conditions and Their New Generation Healing Crystals
by Judy Hall Author
This second A–to-Z directory by the author of The Crystal Bibles introduces a new generation of healing stones. Many…
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Crystal Prescriptions Volume 1: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals
by Judy Hall Author
Listing over 1,200 symptoms, this is a practical first-aid guide based on sound crystal-healing principles that have…
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Crystal Prescriptions Volume 3: Crystal Solutions to Electromagnetic Pollution and Geopathic Stress An A-Z Guide
by Judy Hall Author
This third A–to-Z directory by the author of The Crystal Bibles explores the effects of electromagnetic field (EMF)…
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Crystal Prescriptions Volume 8: Crystals for Prosperity - An A-Z Guide
by Judy Hall Author
Prosperity is a hot topic during uncertain times, but it tends to focus attention on money, or the lack of it. The next…
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Crystal Prescriptions Volume 7: The A-Z Guide To Creating Crystal Essences For Abundant Well-Being, Environmental Healing And Astral Magic
by Judy Hall Author
Crystal essences and gem waters have been used for thousands of years to bring the body back into harmony and restore…
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Crystal Prescriptions Volume 5: Space Clearing, Feng Shui and Psychic Protection. An A-Z guide.
by Judy Hall Author
The next in the highly successful Crystal Prescriptions series, this volume covers crystals for space clearing, Feng…
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Crystal Prescriptions Volume 4: The A-Z Guide To Chakra and Kundalini Awakening Crystals
by Judy Hall Author
This directory provides all you need to know about crystals for the chakras, subtle energy bodies and raising kundalini.…
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