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Enchanted New York: A Journey Along Broadway Through Manhattan's Magical Past.
by Kevin Dann Author
Unlike old-world cities often found across Europe, New York has no ancient monuments to show the magic and occult that…
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Vexed with Devils: Manhood and Witchcraft in Old and New England.
by Erika Gasser Author
From the earliest beginnings of modern England, there have been stories of witchcraft and demonic possession. While the…
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Pranksters: Making Mischief in the Modern World
by Kembrew McLeod Author
This book explores how pranks have long been part of a tradition of speaking truth to power and social critique. From…
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Make Art Not War: Political Protest Posters from the Twentieth Century
by Ralph Young Editor
An often unappreciated art form, this book is curated to show not only the moment displayed in political history but…
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The Defiant: Protest Movements in Post-Liberal America
by Dawson Barrett Author
A history of modern protest movements - from Occupy Wall Street to Standing Rock. This book provides an overview of what…
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