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Between the Woods And the Water : On Foot To Constantinople: The Middle Danube To The Iron Gates
by Patrick Leigh Fermor Author and Jan Morris Author
This book lays out the adventures of Patrick Leigh Fermor’s epic foot journey across Europe, begun in A Time of Gifts,…
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Education of a Gardener
by Russell Page Author and Robin Lane Fox Foreword
Russell Page, a renowned garden designer, shares his lifetime experiences in his memoirs. Engaging personal stories,…
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Ghosts: Stories
by Edith Wharton Author
This goosebump inducing, chilling, hair-raising collection of Edith Wharton’s ghost stories contains an introduction…
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A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising
by Miron Bialoszewski Author and Madeline G. Levine Translator
On August 1, 1944, a young man running an errand in Warsaw became caught in the midst of a heroic uprising against Nazi…
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The Haunted Looking Glass
by Edward Gorey Author
This book is the late Edward Gorey’s compilation of his favorite ghost stories from artists that bring out the ghostly…
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Favourite of the Gods and A Compass Error
by Sybille Bedford Author and Daniel Mendelsohn Author
This book contains not just one, but two stories spanning across two generations of a family, united by a strong…
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The One-Straw Revolution
by Masanobu Fukuoka Author
A short but profound little book, Masanobu Fukuoka's classic "Little Green Book" is part memoir, part manifesto, part…
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