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Anatomy of a Song: The Oral History of 45 Iconic Hits That Changed Rock, R&B and Pop
by Marc Myers Author
The stories behind the songs that shaped the last fifty years of music are collected together in this volume. This book…
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Baba Yaga Laid an Egg
by Dubravka Ugresic Author and Ellen Elias-Bursac Translator
In this postmodern retelling of the classic Slavic myth of Baba Yaga, a witch who lives in a house with chicken legs and…
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Baked: A novel
by Mark Haskell Smith Author
This wickedly funny take on the hard-boiled crime novel centers on a mild-mannered hipster botanist who hits the big…
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A Place to Stand
by Jimmy Santiago Baca Author
A memoir of life before, during, and immediately after the years spent in a maximum-security prison. Illiterate at the…
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Please Kill Me : The Uncensored Oral History of Punk
by Gillian McCain Author and Legs McNeil Author
A contemporary classic, Please Kill Me is the definitive oral history of the most nihilistic of all pop movements. Iggy…
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Convenience Store Woman: A Novel
by Sayaka Murata Author
This short, sweet novel manages to be both funny and profoundly respectful of its oddball characters. Keiko, a woman…
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Naked at Lunch: A Reluctant Nudist's Adventures in the Clothing-Optional World
by Mark Haskell Smith Author
Part memoir, part participatory journalism, Mark Haskell Smith bares all in this book - just like he bared all in the…
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Afterglow (a dog memoir)
by Eileen Myles Author
This book is for you dog lovers looking to read a touching, poetic memoir about a human and man's best friend. If you've…
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The Subterraneans
by Jack Kerouac Author
For all the Kerouac fans out there, The Subterraneans is an essential to your collection. Following more punk poet…
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Mexico City Blues: 242 Choruses
by Jack Kerouac Author
Memories, fantasies, dreams, and jazz—what more could a reader ask for? Widely hailed as Jack Kerouac’s most…
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1968 in America: Music, Politics, Chaos, Counterculture, and the Shaping of a Generation
by Charles Kaiser Author
1968 was the year that defined the decade—Martin Luther King, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated, unprecedented…
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H Is for Hawk
by Helen Macdonald Author
This book is so many things: a grief memoir, a story of a lifelong obsession (and skill) with birds of prey, and the…
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Black Skin, White Masks
by Frantz Fanon Author and Richard Philcox Author
Frantz Fanon was a profoundly important critical race theorist and his most important work is collected in Black Skin,…
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