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Premonitions And Psychic Warnings: Real Stories Of Haunting Predictions
by Edrick Thay Author
From the banshee of Irish mythology, to the sighting of black cat, every culture has tales of premonitions. Some…
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Ghost Hunters of America: Real Stories of Paranormal Investigators
by Dan Asfar Author
Ghosthunters are known for their gear and Ghost Hunters of America is the literary equivalent a flashlight, voice…
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Ghosts of the World: True Stories of Ghostly Hauntings
by Susan Smitten Author
This book is the Ghost with the most! It's like they say: everywhere you go, there might be ghosts. You can't prove…
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Gothic Ghost Stories: Tales of Intrigue & Fantasy from Beyond the Grave
by A.S. Mott Author
Gothic tales incorporate beauty and death and were known for blending reality and fantasy. In this chilling collection…
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Famous People Of The Paranormal: Psychics, Clairvoyants and Charlatans
by Chris Wangler Author
Every culture has the concept of people with paranormal sight or powers. Famous People Of The Paranormal explores…
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