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The Ancient Art of Faery Magick
by D.J. Conway Author
For those seeking to learn more about the faery folk that live all around us in the forest and in our gardens, this book…
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The Big Little Book of Magick: A Wiccan's Guide to Altars, Candles, Pendulums, and Healing Spells
by D.J. Conway Author
Learn to empower yourself using four types of magick: candles, altars, pendulums, and healing spells. This gigantic…
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Wicca: The Complete Craft
by D.J. Conway Author
A book that offers a comprehensive guide to the Wiccan path. Author D.J. Conway has studied New Age religions, Eastern…
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A Little Book of Candle Magic
by D.J. Conway Author
A quintessential guide to the magical uses of candles, including colors, incense, oils, herbs, and stones. D. J. Conway…
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A Little Book of Pendulum Magic
by D.J. Conway Author
An introductory guide to using pendulums in your spiritual practice. You'll learn a bit about the history of pendulums,…
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Zami: A New Spelling of My Name
by Audre Lorde Author
The term Zami comes from the Carriacou word to describe women working together as friends, lovers, and companions. In…
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