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The Commonist Horizon: Futures Beyond Capitalist Urbanization
by Mary N. Taylor Editor and Noah Brehmer Editor
In this timely and inventive collection of essays, editors Mary N. Taylor and Noah Brehmer bring together writings from…
$20.00 1 comment
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Zapantera Negra: An Artistic Encounter Between Black Panthers and Zapatistas (New & Updated Edition)
by Marc James Léger Editor and David Tomas Editor
In this fascinating book, Emory Douglas of the Black Panthers travels to Chiapas, Mexico and meets the autonomous…
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Take Care of Your Self: The Art and Politics of Care and Liberation
by Sundus Abdul Hadi Author
In Take Care of Your Self, Iraqi artist and curator Sundus Abdul Hadi turns a critical and inventive eye on the notion…
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Organizing for Autonomy: History, Theory, and Strategy for Collective Liberation
by CounterPower Author
How can we build unified power that counters the prevailing given systems? Organizing for Autonomy reveals the inner…
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An Encyclopedia of Political Record Labels
by Josh MacPhee Author
With information on 750 record labels that put out records with political content from the 1960's through the 1980's,…
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