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10 Cats
by Emily Gravett Author
This playful cat book follows ten kittens as they transform a mess of color into an engaging display of art and text.…
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How Fast Was a Velociraptor?
by Alison Limentani Author
Delve into the mysteries of the Velociraptor, offering intriguing facts about its speed, size, and intelligence.…
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The Little Mermaid and Other Fishy Tales (The Story Collector)
by Jane Ray Author
This collection brings together an enchanting selection of stories and poems inspired by the sea, capturing its mystery…
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What is a Rainbow?
by Harriet Blackford Author and Mike Henson Illustrator
The characters in this book—the TechTots—learn about what rainbows are and how they are made, bringing the reader…
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Why Do We Poop?
by Harriet Blackford Author and Mike Henson Illustrator
It is a great question, some would say one of the most important of our time. Why is it that we poop? This children's…
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Why Do Things Fall Down?
by Harriet Blackford Author and Mike Henson Illustrator
This fun and engaging children's book succinctly explains the science behind gravity for young readers. Discover what…
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