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The Moon: Phases of the Moon
A book for curious kids full of facts about the moon. Learn about the solar system, what a moon is, all about Earth's…
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Frog: Life Cycles
by Grace Jones Author
Photos, graphics, and clear, scientifically accurate text combine to introduce kiddos to the coolness of frogs and how…
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Honey Bee: Life Cycles
by Grace Jones Author
Easy-to-read, scientifically accurate text, up-close photos, and infographics teach kids all about the life cycle of the…
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Weather Infographics
by Harriet Brundle Author
Good design and clear, fun, accurate writing teach kids about all the different kinds of weather. Learn about sun, rain,…
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Human Body Infographics
by Harriet Brundle Author
Kids can learn all about the human body with this illustrated, fun, scientifically accurate book full of clear facts,…
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Continents Infographics
by Harriet Brundle Author
Kids can learn about every continent on earth—as well as the thrilling topic of tectonic plates—with these modern…
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Animals Infographics
by Harriet Brundle Author
Modern illustrations and graphics with clear, fun, scientifically-accurate writing combine to teach kids about the wide…
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Human Body: Extreme Facts
by Steffi Cavell-Clarke Author
Kids can learn all the ins and outs of the human body. "We all look different on the outside, but we are all the same…
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Evolution: Extreme Facts
by Steffi Cavell-Clarke Author
Teach your kid about the science of evolution. Infographics, bold illustrations, and clear, accurate language shows how…
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Chicken: Life Cycles
by Grace Jones Author
Your kiddo can learn everything they wanted to know about chickens with clear, labeled photos, accurate facts, and just…
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Space Infographics
by Harriet Brundle Author
Kids can journey into space and learn about the different parts of the solar system with these clear images, factual…
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Habitats Infographics
by Harriet Brundle Author
Kids can learn about the diversity of life on our planet from these vivid infographics and clear, scientifically…
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Butterfly: Life Cycles
by Grace Jones Author
Real science, spectacular photos, and super clear language walks young kids through the marvelous life cycle of the…
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