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East Village Inky #70
The always funny EVI is back with its seventieth (!) issue. This issue of Ayun's hand-written and illustrated love…
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East Village Inky #68
by Ayun Halliday Author
The long-running zine about the Chief Primatologist's life in NYC is back! This issue: Travel, both international and…
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The East Village Inky #67
by Ayun Halliday Author
In this 67th issue of East Village Inky, author Ayun Halliday has put together a tribute to Kurt Vonnegut in time for…
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The East Village Inky #66
by Ayun Halliday Author
In this 66th installation of The East Village Inky, author Ayun Halliday takes you on a tour of all the best museums…
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The East Village Inky #65
by Ayun Halliday Author
One of the longest-running zines out there, the 65th issue of the redoubtable EVI recounts in hand-written words and…
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East Village Inky #64: In which we celebrate the lifeblood of all zinely peoples- MAIL!
by Ayun Halliday Author
Mail, stamps, and the postal system comprise the theme of the July 2021 issue of this long-running quarter-sized zine.…
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The East Village Inky #63: Sports Issue!
by Ayun Halliday Author
The latest issue of one of the longest-running personal zines out there brings vignettes from the life of Ayun's family.…
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The East Village Inky #61
by Ayun Halliday Author
In this edition of The East Village Inky, self-proclaimed chief primatologist Ann Halliday discusses homeschooling and…
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The East Village Inky #60
by Ayun Halliday Author
The East Village Inky is back with the latest trials of our lady hero. More stories about dealing with a caregiving…
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East Village Inky #57
by Ayun Halliday Author
The East Village Inky is one of the longest-running zines we carry. In it, the always-funny Ayun Halliday writes and…
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