Born Both: An Intersex Life
by Hida Viloria Author
Hida Viloria was raised as a girl, bu when they were twenty-six, they encountered the word "intersex," sparking their exploration of what it meant to live in the space between genders. In their search for other intersex people, Hida discovered that many were physically and psychologically scarred by infant surgeries, hormone treatments, and other practices thrust upon them in the hope of "correcting" their bodies. Having been allowed to grow into their body unaltered, Hida began to recognize the erasure of these practices and made it their mission to stop them. Born Both is the story of Hida's lifelong journey toward finding love and embracing their authentic identity. As one of the first people to voluntarily come out as intersex at a national and internal level, this memoir gives ground breaking insight to the realities of intersex experience and the long fight for human rights and equality for gender variant people everywhere.
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