Anal Sex Basics: The Beginner's Guide to Maximizing Anal Pleasure for Every Body

by Carlyle Jansen Author


Forget the sex-ed you had in high school that focused on functions and abstinence. Sex is good for us; it's healthy, it's a way to connect and discover, and best of all it feels good when done right. For people who aren't interested in sex or partnered sex, no problem, this book still has tips if you're more interested in a solo discovery of your backdoor.

Anal sex doesn't have to be scary or painful and this book teaches you how to make it safer, more comfortable, and more pleasurable. Learn about the fun you can have beyond intercourse-- from fingering, to licking, toys, role play, and more. Anal Sex Basics covers everything newbies need to know and will guide you on communicating your needs to your partner to make your adventures into butt play as fun and safe as possible!

Interested in more sex ed? Take a look at Beginner's Guide to Sexuality for Men, She Comes First, or our Sex-ed Do Over Superpac.