1,000 Unforgettable Senior Moments: Of Which We Could Remember Only 246
by Tom Friedman Author
No, you’re not losing your mind. And no, you’re definitely not alone.
There’s Jimmy Carter, forgetting nuclear launch codes in a suit at the dry cleaners. Rod Stewart fumbling for the name of the intense first love who inspired “Maggie Mae.” G. K. Chesterton writing an extensive letter to his mother announcing the good news about his engagement—while his mother is in the room with him. Marilyn Monroe blowing the same line through 52 different takes while filming Some Like It Hot.
Celebrating history’s greatest mental lapses, this is the perfect impulse book, in the fine gift format of Famous Last Words.
Not just outlandishly funny, it’s also a book of great comfort—after all, having a senior moment puts you in pretty awesome company. [Try not to] Forget to pick up your copy today!
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