The Cold War
by John Gerlach Author
In the latest installment of the Simple History zine series, author J. Gerlach takes a look at the Cold War. An era of nukes and paranoia, witch-hunting and gun-running, the Cold War was a complicated and oft-times terrifying time in our world's history. Says Gerlach in the introduction, "The Cold War is a popular topic of debate for historians because of the large number of 'what-ifs' and the immensity of the consequences should a bluff be called, or an itchy trigger finger released. There seems to have been opportunities, both for an honorable end to the conflict, and for complete world destruction." From the post-war "reconstruction" of Asia and Europe to the Bay of Pigs and Perestroika, Gerlach's book comprises a wide cross-section of the important events of the last 70 years and gives its objective facts in a clear-minded, engaging, accessible fashion.
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Comments & Reviews
"You got your revolutions, your arms races, your pacts, your treaties and agreements as well as espionge, air lifts, thaws, freezes, police actions, standoffs and stalemates and it all ended when Mr. Reagan asked Mr. Gorbechev to tear down that wall in Berlin. Not quite, but I've heard it spun that way."
-Chris Auman, Reglar Wiglar