Curanderismo Soul Retrieval: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Restore the Sacred Energy of the Soul
by Erika Buenaflor Author
A powerful shamanic guide for navigating realms beyond the ordinary to locate and reintegrate fragments of lost souls. In Mesoamerican curanderismo, the soul is a form of sacred energy that can be lost in times of trauma or extreme stress—but these soul pieces can be recovered through trance journeys into the spirit realm with the use of shamanic breathwork, dancing, hand postures, and more, shared here by curandera and scholar Erika Buenaflor. Heal common conditions such as depression, insomnia, and dysfunctional behaviors by creating a nurturing environment to which soul fragments may return, and step forward into life with greater clarity, self-awareness, empowerment, and authentic self-love with this supportive and in-depth guide.
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