The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners : A No-Stress Meal Plan with Easy Recipes to Heal the Immune System
by Dorothy Calimeris Author and Lulu Cook Author
Living with chronic pain is no easy feat. It takes effort and perseverance every day to manage the symptoms and meet the challenges of daily life. But there are simple ways that you can mitigate that pain by adjusting your habits and diet. In this cookbook, authors Dorothy Calimeris and Lulu Cook offer the reader a plethora of delicious menu items designed to help reduce inflammation and the pain it causes. With a comprehensive catalog of anti-inflammatory ingredients, Calimeris and Cook set you up for success at the grocery store and make meal planning that much easier. Using your haul of delicious and pain-reducing ingredients, pick from any number of recipes and start eating away at your chronic pain. A must read for inflammation sufferers and anyone looking to incorporate more healthful ingredients into their diet.
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Comments & Reviews
yeah i'm dying to find a copy of this book. i've looked everywhere. :[
Do anyone know where you can get any copy of this book? slarga[nospam]mail.com
This conveniently pocket-sized book is full of inspiring anecdotes and short-stories that are written by various famous and infamous figures. The book views traveling as a mindset rather than an actual physical pastime. In order to travel you do not need to put thousands of miles behind you, all you need to do is step out of your home with a curious and open mind.
A surprisingly festive and enchanting volume. Their traveler's almanac is a back pocket treasure, a trusty on the road companion.
A rather fine, and engaging collection of travel writings, loosely defined. Some of the big names in literature and history - Guy Debord, Isabelle Eberhardt, William Lithgow, Arthur Rimbaud, Henry Thoreau, Flora Tristan, Hakim Bey - rub shoulders with some of their less (to date) illustrious contemporaries.