My Body Is A Big Fat Temple : An Ordinary Story of Pregnancy and Early Motherhood
by Alena Dillon Author
In this memoir about pregnancy, author Alena Dillon takes the reader on a journey through all of the difficulties and joys of pregnancy, and the added challenges of parenting during the pandemic. Over the course of the memoir, Dillon debates having children, miscarries, deals with morning sickness, faces all of the struggles that come with carrying another human being inside your body for months, labors, breastfeeds, and most all confronts the glaring differences between the romanticization of motherhood and its reality. Dillon portrays motherhood in all its messy complexity so that mothers who haven't had perfect experiences can feel less alone, and folks considering becoming mothers can have an honest accounting before setting out on that journey. What To Expect When You're Expecting doesn't tell it like this.
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