Crystals and Energies: The Essential Witch’s Kit for Using Crystals to Find Balance and Well-Being
by Claire Taupin Author
Crystals and Energies is a pocket-sized guide to using crystals to find balance and improve your well-being. Author Claire Taupin explores how crystals can respond to your psychic and physical energies, and how you can use them to help with anxiety, stress, and protection from negative energy. Learn the basics of crystal healing, including how to cleanse and choose crystals, pore over detailed information on the properties of over 100 different crystals, and learn how to use crystals in your daily life, as well as how to care for your crystal collection. It's the book that every crystal witch will consult when they need some serious quartz power.
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Comments & Reviews
I agree with Richard Neva, capitalism will burn down our earth into hell and we will become their slave there...now, we should fight for our freedom..say FUCK CAPITALISM!!! LOVE SOCIALISM..!!!!
I wish I could have some real communication with those who love socialism..I'm Indonesian...I will so much happy if someone from you can contact me at my email : bbdemsos@gmail.com
This is the best (and funniest) fucking shirt!
Wait, are we allowed to talk about the shirt here? I realize I'm not adding anything to high level of political debate currently going on...
Love puns, hate capitalism.
Ahhh, the best part of these comments, and yes the shirt itself, is that without capitalism, neither would exist. To those socialists who are commenting realize that you are posting on a byproduct of capitalism; a retail outlet store!!!
The irony weighs heavy with the children, beset on all sides by hypocrisy.
Or, lol socialist-tards! Get a clue.
Capitalism is the slave master and the workers are the slaves. If you work for a living and applaud capitalism you are ignorant of the facts of life. Get a life and read Marx!
I suggest the supporter of 'capitalism' below move to Canada, learn to spell 'socialism' from their education system which is most likely superior to that of the United States. Of course, Canada is a Capitalist society, they just happened to have socialized health care, but I wouldn't expect someone who used the word "ya'll" to realize this!
it's because of capitalism that we have people saying sh*t like "sociolism".
why would we want to support a government that exploits indiscriminitly? fuck capitalism!
Huh ? are ya'll serious ? what is a better alternative .. Sociolism ?- move to Canada !