Wobblies: A Graphic History
by Paul Buhle Author
The Industrial Workers of the World, or "Wobblies," remain in popular memory as the most romantic, transnational, and antiracist labour movement in American history; the source of folklore, music, martyrs like Joe Hill, and heroic moments such as the "Bread and Roses" immigrants' strike. Wobblies: a Graphic History recuperates that history with art as fresh and unique as the Ash Can art of the 1910s created by Wobbly admirers. The IWW is much written-about yet somehow elusive to scholars because of its mixed cultural and social character, Wobblies presents the IWW whole, scripted and drawn by old-time and younger Wobbly artists among others including Carlos Cortez (former editor of the Industrial Worker), Harvey Pekar (author of American Splendor), Peter Kuper (current artist of Mad's Spy vs Spy), Sue Coe, Seth Tobocman, Chris Cardinale, Ryan Inzana,Spain Rodriques, Trina Robbins, Sharon Rudahl and the circle of artists for World War III Illustrated.
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