![How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety: And Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their Nine Lives by Zachary Auburn [Her mind made up at last, an improbably fluffy kitten reaches for the gun in front of her]](/previews/howtotalktoyourcataboutgunsafetybook_lg.jpg)
How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety: And Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their Nine Lives
by Zachary Auburn Author and The American Association of Patriots Author
Long gone are the good old days when a cat’s biggest worries were mean dogs or a bath. Modern cats must confront satanists, online predators, the possibility of needing to survive in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, sexual temptations, and countless other threats to their nine lives.
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