Wicca Book of Spells: A Beginner's Book of Shadows for Wiccans, Witches & Other Practitioners of Magic

by Lisa Chamberlain Author

Cast a spell in the Wiccan tradition to bring positive experiences into your life and the lives of those you love. Lisa Chamberlain has selected 50 spells, distilling them into three key categories of magical aims: love and relationships, including friends and family (such as “Relationship Potential Divine Forecast” and “Spare Key Spell for Spiritual Connection”); wealth and prosperity (“Honey Abundance Jar" and “Job Interview Success Spell”); and health and well-being (“Anxiety Calming Spell” and “Protection Spell for Pets”). Plus, there’s a section on divination and spellwork involving essential oils, moon phases, and homemade ingredients—from an avocado beauty spell to a chicory root victory charm.