Hoodoo Cleansing and Protection Magic: Banish Negative Energy and Ward Off Unpleasant People
by Miss Aida Author and Judika Illes Illustrator
Take control of your destiny and live your best life by using magic to ward off bad luck, unpleasant people, and harmful events. Miss Aida offers her personal spells, rituals, and formulas for banishing curses and malevolence. She draws on her family's Santeria, Palo, and Brujeria practices as well as her experience with Hoodoo, Conjure, and mediumship to teach you how to recognize, avoid, and vanquish negative and predatory entities, break a cycle of bad luck, tell a reputable ghost hunter from a fraud, recognize bewitched or possessed objects and remove their harmful effects, and make sure that a prolonged illness (your own or someone's who you are caring for) doesn't harm your energy in the long run. She blends anecdote, psalms, and practices like rootwork and washes in this guide that appeals to practitioners and seekers alike.
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