Urban Revolutions: A Woman's Guide to Two-Wheeled Transportation
by Emilie Bahr Author
Urban Revolutions is a different kind of cycling book. Author Emilie Bahr draws on her experience as an everyday cyclist and a transportation planner in New Orleans to demystify urban bicycling in this visually-compelling and fun-to-read field guide. What does it mean for a city to be bike-friendly? What makes bicycling a women's issue? What does it take to feel safe on a bike? How do you bike to work in the summer and still look professional? What is the most fun you can possibly have on two wheels without being athletic? Bahr answers all these questions and more in her friendly and thoughtful essays and detailed practical tips on everything from biking in hot weather to biking with kids to biking with natural hair.
Read an interview with Emilie on our blog!
Urban Revolutions from Micheal Boedigheimer on Vimeo.
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Comments & Reviews
"Definitely a fun and entertaining at the same time useful book, in which important issues are answered and gives encouragement to all those...[on]...two wheels."
"Practically written using antidotes, tips and photos this woman’s guide to urban cycling should be in every girl’s messenger bag."
"Author Emilie Bahr draws on her own experience as an everyday cyclist and a transportation planner in New Orleans to demystify urban bicycling in this visually-compelling and fun-to-read field guide...[filled with] friendly and thoughtful essays and detailed practical tips."
"New Orleanian Emilie Bahr’s new book, URBAN REVOLUTIONS: A WOMAN’S GUIDE TO TWO-WHEELED TRANSPORTATION makes a passionate case for biking as a lifestyle choice—and it’s convincing me that I need to bike more often than those pretty Sunday afternoons when I have nowhere pressing to be."
"Activist and urban planner in New Orleans shares joys of getting around by bike."
"Cyclist and transportation planner Bahr writes about bike-friendly cities, what makes bicycling a women’s issue, how environments shape opportunities and more in this practical discussion of urban bicycling."
"By far, the majority of those pedaling around [New Orleans], though, are men...urban planner Emilie Bahr hopes to even that score. Her delightful and insightful new guide offers solutions to issues that keep women (and some men) out of the bike lanes..."
"Bahr began biking in 2007 and wrote the book as a how-to guide and why-to manifesto...ranging from how to ride in traffic and what to wear to work to how to handle street harassment."
"Bahr digs into the urban cycler’s life and what it take to feel comfortable on two wheels, and how a city’s “bike-friendly” status can help with that (not to mention what a bike friendly city even means), in this open-armed field guide."