The Teenage Guy's Survival Guide: The Real Deal on Going Out, Growing Up, and Other Guy Stuff
by Jeremy Daldry Author
From your first smooch to your awkward facial hair, being a teenage dude is one of the most intense/important times in a guy's life. Jeremy Daldry, a writer and television producer/director, empathizes with the struggle. That's why he wrote The Teenage Guy's Survival Guide, with full chapters on relationships, dates, how to shave, emotions, drug use, and a bunch of other topics that most everyone faces when hitting those teen years. Raising a family of his own, Daldry writes from the perspective of a father and also fellow man who had to go through the struggles and come out the other side.
(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)
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