On The Poverty Of Student Life: Considered in Its Economic, Political, Psychological, Sexual, and Intellectual Aspects, With a Modest Proposal for Doing Away With It

by Situationists Author, Mustapha Khayati Author and Ken Knabb Translator

The eviscerating manifesto that made the Situationist International a household name around the world! In 1966, prior to Guy Debord's Society of the Spectacle led millions to question their daily activities and existence, the Situationist International was an unknown revolutionary art organization. The classic French situationist text by students in Strasbourg, Germany that powerfully critiqued society and exploded minds in 1967. It will no doubt hold as much relevance today and have the same affect on you. On the Poverty of Student Life sparked the infamous occupation of universities in Paris in 1968 with its critical dogma, "In the world of the student, every type of social practice is controlled to the utmost degree. Shifting the entire guilty conscience about society onto students serves to mask everyone's poverty and servitude." As a text approaching 50 years old, it is, at times, powerfully illuminating, and at others extremely frustrating. At its core, the bold claims are that the academy should not be a factory into the workforce.