The Cool Teen's Guide To The Mall

by infoTEENment Author

 In order to give an accurate blurb for this brand new infoTEENment™publication we solicited a review* from an actual teenager, Tiffani;

"Huh. I mean I guess the Popular Girls' Corner Popularity Test by Lila and Sophie was sort of cool. I obvi got all the questions correct. I guess if I have to take a break from picking out a Claires headband or comparison shopping between Payless and Famous Footwear this would be a fun read. 

So there you have it. Teens agree; the mall is cool and so is The Cool Teen's Guide to The Mall. And how! 

  • The Cool Teen's Guide To The Mall

*We are obligated to admit that Tiffani was paid for her review with a free copy of The Cool Teen's Guide to Fingering and a sparkly bubblegum pink LipPunch Lip Glossy Gloss™