Velo Vixen #2: A Zine About Women and Bicycling
by Rachel Krause Author
The first Velo Vixen was one of our favorite bike zines in recent years, so it was extra exciting when the second issue showed up in the mail containing a richly layered, multimedia, cacophony of big-hearted essays, well-curated photographs and art, and fascinating Victorian-era manifestos both for and against women’s participation in that scandalous past-time of bicycling.The second issue includes tributes to bicycling moms and dads, an essay about getting older by bike, a poem about going places, the story of a bike ride across Kansas, a guide to starting your own bike coffee cart (“because being crafty/adventurous/creative is sexy”), helpful resources for cycling in Kansas City, Missouri, and lots of great art and design. It’s another big winner and we think you'll like it as much as we do.
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