Updates from the Senior Center
by Mark Lawton Author
We all get old, if we're lucky. But Mark Lawton's irrepressible father, John, isn't going to do it quietly, no matter what rules the nincompoops at his retirement home try to impose on him. In this series of lovingly playful vignettes, Mark tries, and mostly fails, to keep up with his dad, supporting him through his trial for splashing in the serenity pool, cheering him on in walker races, teaching him to (kind of) use modern technology, and mediating his many disputes with geezers and wardens alike. "If you can't laugh, you'll cry, so don't cry" is Mark's advice to anyone supporting an aging parent in this gently humorous zine that does justice to a larger-than-life figure who's no longer quite as steady on his feet as he used to be.
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