The Evan Mecham Eco Terrorist International Conspiracy
by Leslie James Pickering Author
Written by noted author, animal rights activist, and historian Leslie James Pickering, this piece of longform journalism details the history of sabotage from Earth Liberation Front to The Evan Mecham Eco Terrorist International Conspiracy (EMETIC), a group who took on real life roles from Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang to sabotage equipment they felt was harming the Earth. There’s an excellent collection of accompanying photos and the reporting fills in the gaps nicely from the questions left when these events were originally reported in the media. The second half is a long interview with Peg Millett, which is clearly a product of being friendly with the author. There’s a lot of power in her conviction and morals. It’s powerful activism that comes from a feeling of powerlessness. And that begets immense respect.
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