An Actually Autistic Window on Economics
by Partly Robot Author
In this new zine from Partly Robot Industries, author Andrew Coltrin dives into the world of economics and explains the fundamentals for the layperson. Coltrin points out that economics are, no matter how much we might wish otherwise, something we all have to interact with on an everyday basis. Gaining a basic knowledge of this field of inquiry can help anyone manage their day to day lives and resources better, from time management, to finances, to energy. Coltrin is autistic, and so this zine offers a unique perspective and is accessible to both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals alike.
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Comments & Reviews
Mitch Green, the heterodox economics professor whose running for Portland City Council picked a copy up at an event, looked through it and said "Yeah, it's hitting the right stuff."
Then he put it in his pocket and neglected to pay for it. I don't think he realized I was selling them. Either that or he's so deeply into heterodox economics he doesn't do the whole money thing.
I'm sure if I said "actually that's five bucks," he would have coughed it up. But it entertained me to think of that copy of my zine as a contribution to Mitch's campaign. Good luck getting those people in the West Hills to vote for you, Mitch, ya commie pinko!