illustration of a saw factory in the 1800s.

A. H. Shipman Bracket Saw Company: 1881 Catalog

by A.H. Shipman Saw Co. Author

When Albert Shipman introduced this catalog to the public in 1881, he made a compelling argument to parents, the gist of which was: If you provide your child with a fret saw, they'll be able to learn useful mechanical skills during after-school hours, understand the importance of hard work, and help provide financial support to the family. (Parents of today, take heed!) This neat sales catalog, titled The Amateur Mechanic's Manual and Catalogue of Scroll Saws and Lathes, is filled with information about, as well as hand-drawn illustrations of, the Shipman company's product line, as well as instructions, tips, and how-to-dos that every wood turner, carver, and woodworker will find helpful. Includes tips for Fret sawing numerous materials, the original sales detail of the Prize Holly Saw, and so much more.