Rad Dad #18
by Tomas Moniz Editor
In his biggest issue ever, Tomas continues to focus on anarchism and parenting. Our trusty editor zeroes in on sex & love this time around—talking to his son about internet pornography, a disturbing story of a single mother who is fetishized as such, a few people's stories of polyamory and non-monogamy, a troubled tale of nude photos of children, a sad story about anarchist mentalities driving a wedge between a mother and her anarchist community, Dani Burlison bribes her daughter not to kiss a boy until she's 18, kids learning violence—from Star Wars, and an interview with Dr. Chris White about teaching sex education to sex educators.
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Comments & Reviews
A delectably broad selection of Punk Rock living.
"Lots of very interesting articles by different authors about love and sex, relationships and education in marraiages, partnerships and as parents."