The Prison Industrial Complex and the Global Economy
by Eve Goldberg Author
Contrary to popular belief, the US prison system isn't a rehabilitative step to a safer world, or an altruistic desire to impart morality for the sake of a better society. This pamphlet exposes the ongoing plot of the prison system to lock up those who don't fall in line, exploit their labor, and force them into cruel living conditions, all for the sake of massive profits.
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Comments & Reviews
“Here we have the latest edition of the educational pamphlet series put out by PM Press, each one focusing on a different topic. This volume is extraordinary and highly recommended to anyone who wants to learn about the insidious connection between corporate capitalism, the “War on Drugs,” and the current prison-for-profit system that exists in the United States today. The situation is frighteningly Orwellian and surreal. For example, the US prison population has more than tripled in the last two decades, and this nation has over five million people either behind bars or on parole or probation. Rather than reflecting an increase of crime, however, these alarming numbers reveal a growing for-profit scheme where corporations and government interests collude to create a powerful apparatus similar to the military-industrial complex. What really stands out for this review is that the articles within these pages are perfectly concise and comprehendible, allowing for just about anyone to garner a better understanding of this subject without feeling as if he or she were reading a dissertation. You would really be doing yourself a favor by reading this; you’ll never look at incarceration the same way again.”