You're Messy Enough: Affirming Words
by Joe Biel Author and Elly Blue Illustrator
Are you perpetually trying to get organized? Do you feel overwhelmed by wanting to be incredibly productive, have a clean and tidy house, build superhumanly healthy habits, and handle all life's obligations effortlessly? Yeah, that's not really gonna happen. This zine is for anyone trying to build sustainable habits to feel good and spend more time on stuff that's meaningful and less time on busywork and trying to find or make do without misplaced items. Gentle advice ranges from the practical—"Put things where you use them"—to the existential—"What does 'done' look like?" and is accompanied by lovingly imperfect illustrations. Keep it in your kitchen or next to your keys as a reminder that you already have what you need without needing to meet arbitrary external standards.
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