How to Sell Stuff at an Event
by Joe Biel Author
So you've got a business where you make stuff—zines, books, crafts, art, widgets. Whatever it is, you're super passionate about it, and you've been thinking about tabling at events! There's an art and science to vending, explained here by a Joe Biel, who 25 years ago began packing zines into milk crates and hauling them to the punk club to excitedly sell and trade. Covered here are topics like choosing your event, whether it's a corner of the bar or a fancy hotel trade show floor, figuring out what to bring, managing travel logistics with all your stuff, setting up an appealing display, comporting yourself with potential customers and other vendors, and organizing your finances and inventory so you can do it 5% better next year. Selling stuff at events is extremely fun, and the better you plan going in, the more fun you'll have!
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