Skating with Shes and Hers #3: Photos and Interviews

by Amelia Bjesse-Puffin Author

In Skating with Shes and Hers, Amelia Bjesse-Puffin photographs women, nonbinary and gender fluid folks that skate and interviews them on what they have to say about skating. Volume 3 covers August-September 2017.

This series was started because of the absence of representation in the skating scene. Folks in this zine come from a variety of backgrounds, some just starting, some are veterans like Lizzy Armanto, all of them have a passion for shredding.

All these photos and more can be found on Instagram at #skatingwithshesandhers.

  • Skating with Shes and Hers #3: Photos and Interviews image #1
  • Skating with Shes and Hers #3: Photos and Interviews image #2