In Abandon #2

by Mike Delach Author

Once upon a time there was a punk scene. And in this punk scene was a romanticized lifestyle politick of Washington DC's Revolution Summer from ten years before. And these young punks—too young to have experienced Revolution Summer firsthand—embraced its politics and inspiration to build something similar, first in Tampa, FL and then through letters across the globe and eventually by touring with their bands Reversal of Man and Combat Wounded Veteran. Some people criticized these people for spewing vague romantic prose that wasn't really expressing anything specific. But those critics were wrong, before the purpose of all of this was to inspire yet another generation to pick up the torch and be inspired by their friends to change the world. This is that zine.

  • In Abandon #2 image #1
  • In Abandon #2 image #2
  • In Abandon #2 image #3